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Marilla Community Centre

Marilla's Playgroup Term 2

Wed, 2 May 2018
09:30 - 11:30

We are ROARING into term 2 with a new theme  'Dinasours'.

If you have a little one who loves dinasours this playgroup is for you! Each week there will be activities, and stories all involving Dinasours. Claire our Playgroup Coordinator has lots of fun packed games to entertain the little ones.

This Group runs every Wednesday at 9:30am-11:30am Cost is gold coin donation

Please bring a piece of fruit to share

Ensure you dress your child for the weather as this playgroup is run outdoors in the garden area (shade provided).

For 0-4 years (pre-school only)

Coffee and Tea available

Renew your membership now to enjoy our groups and services. 

Marilla...bringing the community together


Ticket Type Price
Attendance free ticket DO NOT PRINT $0.00 Sale Ended
Rockingham Naval Club
lot 6168, LOT 2732 Point Peron Rd, Peron WA 6168, Australia

LOT 7372 Point Peron Rd, Rockingham, Western Australia, 6168, Australia

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